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artificial selection 【生物學】人為淘汰。

artificial sight

A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics , especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation 屬一群擁有共同祖先和明顯特征的有機體,尤指屬于同一物種的一群,通過人工選擇來發展,通過有控制的繁殖來維持

Almost every morsel of our food is genetically modified - admittedly by artificial selection not artificial mutation , but the end result is the same 我們吃的幾乎每一口食物都是轉基因的? ?通過人工選擇而不是人工突變,但是最終結果是相似的。

The genetic structure has changed due to artificial selection and genetic differentiation index indicated slight differentiation among them 由于人工定向選擇,它們的遺傳結構已經起了一定的變化,分化系數表明它們之間已經產生了分化。